Well, after falling off the face of the earth for a bit, Amanda (from Canada) is back in play!
After doing the Saturday half shift, which was the final certification and graduation ceremony (where the team gave me an adorable picture set--one of which was me in my Cebu tee shirt, a shirt I was less than thrilled to have memorialized for all time in group photos, but whatevs, that's the way we roll here-- I went home to collapse and sleep.

Then I woke up and got myself together and texted Amanda to see if she wanted to get dinner,
She did. She told me she wanted to meet Fritz and could I bring "my man". Well, crap. I dug around in my phone book and sent a few guys a text saying could they come to dinner last minute, it was my treat. Well, I had Am-boy at "free dinner", so he hopped on board the train to go to dinner and drinks. We ate at Fridays, then off to a place that Fritz (who's Filipino) calls "Doogs"- several tries later I get it: it's this place that's visible from the highway and always gives me a snicker "TUGS" Resto bar. Well, this place is located on top of a department store (?-no idea) and you have to take an elevator to get there. It's really nice, actually- waterfalls, plants, nice quiet, classy place.
Amanda asked "why haven't we come here before?" I laughed "Girl, it's called TUGS. I mean, come on."
A funny moment happened when the three of us (Fritz, me and Amanda) were already in the really small elevator and Mike stepped on last and this little tinny alarm went crazy. We all looked around like "what's that?" and then it occurred to us "oh, shit. It's the overload alarm". I stepped out with Mike, who was philosophical (as he is about everything) "I guess that elevator is made for little tiny Filipinos" he chuckled, heaving his 200+ pounds off the elevator and down the stairs with me.
So we toddled off to Hacienda, where Fritz was Mr. Romance with Amanda and I was the 3rd wheel, but I didn't mind. Mike was wandering around looking dazed and getting drinks, bumping into us every once in awhile but that's cool, I'm used to his hippie style.
Let me just tell you that if you ever find yourself in the Philippines, single, and needing a boyfriend, call my friend Arman, because MY GOD did that guy miss his calling as a matchmaker. Fritz is a college professor who teaches PE- cute as a button and very sweet, obviously crazy about Amanda--he told her she looks like Lindsey Lohan! Well, she's freckled, and she does have a cute little mischievous face, but to be honest, that's mostly where the resemblance ends-- (he did tell me he asked her if she maybe wanted to get in shape before she went home--that's either a very brave or very foolish guy, that one).
When I asked Fritz "where did you two meet" he told me "through Arman", my jaw dropped. Where in the islands Arman digs up these attractive, single, nice guys who are a near perfect match for the lady in question is beyond me. Fritz is both too short and too shy for me, but for me he pulled out an alpha male who's personality is just as strong as mine (if not stronger, he *is* a Scorpio, after all). Anyway, this unlikely Yentl can really bring it. Kudos to him!