Here it is. The blog everyone keeps asking for. For now I'm going to compile and edit the emails I've been sending out for my first few posts, and then move on to a more complex format with photos, etc.
Here's the first email (most of you reading this got this)
Hello from the tropics! The JAL flight was amazing, despite being in coach- the airline attendants were all stunningly beautiful, perfect makeup, and Hermes scarves printed with hot air balloons and zepplins tied in very intricate knots around their necks. The plane had a personal TV with four movies (watched all four!) Benjamin Button, Alice in Wonderland, The Box, and Iron Man Two.
Arrived in Manila at 10.00 pm, and my new boss picked me up with a driver ( I have a driver and car, and a housemaid!). Manila even after dark was totally overwhelming. You know those scenes in the action movies where the hero drives the car into the open air market? Well, that's what it was like- crowded, full of Jeepny's (look it up for full effect), honking horns, "tricycles" (motorbikes with sidecars attached. People would be missed by the car by inches and be like "ho hum, I'm just laying the the street dozing on my lawn chair guarding my umbrella shop, ho hum" Everyone is about 4'11 and 80 pounds, tops.
My housing is very spare, with tile floor and just the basics, with (for some reason) very elaborate, luxurious draperies. AC in my room, and my own bathroom. I do share the house but not my room. We also have TV with cable, with all the ads in Tagalog and English, and all Asian ( so startling at first). I am one of four Anglos on the site. So far, there are many, many Anglo men "of a certain age" with tiny little 18 year old brides (I know, gag!) but no Anglo women. Everyone wants to know why I'm not married- it's very common to ask- Anne tells me I will be "victim" of many set ups!
We went to the mall to get towels and a razor, etc. All of the employees in all stores wear tailored uniforms with tiny little woven belts, hoisery and heels. And they're all DYING to help you, ma'am- which they pronounce "mum".
. A natural teacher, Anne is very helpful, and so excited to have another Anglo woman (the other Americans are men) in the country. We already are laughing over the "d.o.m's" (dirty old men) who retire here for "one reason only".
I ate at a little cafe called "extreme espresso" ( the other place I got coffe for 5 cents was called "caffeine overdose"). (the food is always underdone here I'm finding), I had something called "the American breakfast" which was toast, over easy eggs, and a "flunkfoother" after several attempts we got it: a hot dog- and french toast with fresh mango. The fruit is amazing here- the freshest I've ever tasted- in fact I've never tasted fruit like this.
The scenery is a combo of Chinatown and Florida on steroids, palm trees and gated houses, with tiny rickety stores and New Orleans wrought iron everywhere- absolutely stunning. I went shopping and got some groceries and then went home and crashed! My elephant Chaz has been spending the time watching Tagalog soaps.
I have a cell phone which I think you can try to text but not call ( calling is super pricey)- the number is 09275315038. Not sure if I can text internationally and don't want to "spend" my 100p card yet!
Dinner was at work, where I am now (Anne is in meetings and I am in the mess hall) in the converted airplane hanger. Dinner was shark fin and beef dumplings and pineapple juice and cheese crackers ( the packing reads "just when you thought you'd seen every kind of snack, along comes Piattos!"- not exactly, Piattos!) Cost: under 2 dollars.
The other odd thing is that there are uniformed guards everywhere- in all the stores, in the streets, at work. They're not soldiers, they just like to gesture magnanimously and nod and look official.
There is a smaller mall (like Marketplace size) right near my gated community ( which is called "Diamond" and has a huge iron Diamond on the gates, in case you're confused about where you are), and my house has a locked gate with barbed wire !!!! (very common, actually) on the top, locked front door, and locked bedroom door, so very secure. Anne says there is a company list of reputable apartments so she'll help me find a place, or if she goes to India for two months (which she probably will) I can stay at her place.
OH, and the cheese is labeled "tasty", "extra tasty" and "tasty and bitey" (HA HA!!!) - guess what that means? "sharp", "extra sharp" and "sharp and spicy", which I guessed right away. It's easy to guess what things mean, since they're usually close or an odd literal interpretation of English.
Well- that's it. Oh, and one more magic thing- there are cats roaming the mess, one is all white with a black tail and a black mask (so beautiful) and she hopped right on my lap and hung out. She was so tiny (everything is miniature here) and so pretty. I knew then that this place is full of wonder.
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