Saturday, April 9, 2011

scattered showers, thunderstorms likely

Ever have one of those moments when you realize that you're kind of living in one of those "Year One" movies where a novice is discovered to have incredible powers, if only they could learn to CONTROL them....

That's me all over the place.

Well, I promised y'all that I would be "uncensored" so prepare yourselves for a little trip...

When I first laid eyes on Ives, I thought "I have to have that". I concentrated *real hard* on having him as a boyfriend, ("Johnny Angeloovvvee.....Johnnyyyy Angelloovveee") which I did get, only to find out that getting what you want is not quite the same as HAVING what you want.

Yeah, I had to break it off.

Long story, here's the bullet points:

after a month and a bit of perfectly dreamy dating, apparently the belladonna wore off and after we got back from vacation, things started goin' off.

It was about a week later when I woke up one day and realized that it had TEN DAYS since I had either 1) gotten a text from him or 2) received a reply. (People here don't call to chat since it's so expensive, they usually just text, in fact the Phil leads the world in texting)

Hmmm. Add to this the generally "put upon" demeanor he exhibited when I would come up to him and say hi at work and I started to smell the brimstone.

I gave it a few days, he was sick, we saw each other every day at work, what was the big deal, then I asked him, uh, WTF, baby?

He sort of tried to act like I hadn't asked him anything at all, and when I pressed it, he claimed he was too broke to put money on his phone. Okayyy, I'll let that go once, but as Lea pointed out, it's 20p for unlimited texts from Globe to Globe, which we both are. That's 50 cents, people.

I have more peso on my kitchen floor right now.

An escalating series of dick moves then started to make a pattern: cold at work, not answering texts, breaking dates, and, most tellingly, his friends were complaining about him not being himself. There were a few breaks in the clouds- he outright told me he hadn't been himself for about ten days since being sick, he did come to see me even when he was sick, but...not quite enough.

This past week he was a no call no show for plans we had and that was enough for me. I'm no tyro at the love game, and as much as I wanted to give him a pass, I asked myself "Would Joan Holloway tolerate this? No? Thought so." I sent him a frosty, yet professional break up email that significantly left out the fact that it felt like someone had taken a staple gun to my heart.

The one (evilly) gratifying thing: the next day he looked like five miles of bad road, red rimmed eyes, totally quiet, looking for all the world like someone had dropped him from a plane into the jungle with only a machete.

The worst part of all this is I really don't know what happened and it's unlikely that I ever will. Does it "matter"-- ultimately, no. But as we know, going through a breakup while you still like the f*cker and not really knowing where the lovin' feeling went is HELL.

Anyway, the upshot of this little tale is that I vividly remember wanting this man for myself even before I knew him, which is always a sign that you're dipping into the stash---you're building your own little idol and surprisingly, most humans will respond to the firepower of witchery for a least a short time, but sooner or later they recover their free will and flee to the forest, leaving behind only the scent of clean laundry behind.

Now you may be asking yourself, but Na, how can you be so sure of your own powers? Well, little ones, this is the part two:

I also told Ives, in regards to my North American friend Lindsay "I'm hoping she meets a Pinoy, falls madly in love and gets married so she has to stay here, that's my master plan." In fact I had two picked out for her, Chichi, another assistant manager at work, and actually, Roro, who I was hoping would appeal to her love of bad boys (and they would do the Angelina and Billy Bob Crazy in Love thing--hey, all I cared about was having another white girlfriend here to stay, not the QUALITY of the relationship...sensing a pattern, anyone? hee.)

Three weeks ago she started dating "Mr. [work]" someone voted the cutest guy at work, and....

Text message I got from her yesterday:
"We have three weeks to plan a wedding. You're the maid of Honor."

Apparently I should have been concentrating a *little* harder on my OWN love live, but, live and learn.
The force is strong in this one....

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