That's me on the left. Even sort of looks like me- heh. That's my mental state right now. Yes, babies, I've met someone.
He's beautiful. He's 24. He looks like an Asian Tip Payne: (really, strikingly so)

(slightly less menacing) to the point where when I met him at 7-11 to go on our first date, him in his civvies (yes, ladies, he wears a uniform, cue the screams now) I thought as I saw him from a slight distance, "Oh, my god, THAT'S who he looks like- no wonder I'm so attracted to him!".
He's a Pisces (never dated one, so we'll see).
His name is Leo, which is said "Leyh-oh".
He smells like brown sugar. He has a perfect narrow, long body and he dressed with style- Adidas All Days, HCO shirt just the right size to show off his body, running jacket and aviators that make the most of the gorgeous planes of his face, which is one of the most stunning I've ever seen.
He's golden skinned, light coffee with cream with caramel, and he's one of the Filipinos that's mostly hairless- completely smooth arms and legs (odd, I know, but hairy men are the exception over here, unlike us Caucasian wolves who need a fur coat to stay WARM up in the wilds of upstate Maine).
Oh, and perfect teeth, which is extremely rare over here.
The deal was, people were vociferously arguing I should try to date outside of work so one day after shift I was hanging out at Phillies and this exceptionally handsome boy with a beautiful, innocent spirit was the security guard (a slightly more serious position over here than back home- they carry MACHINE GUNS over here) for the place and he was *having it*.
Well, as we know, very few men can resist the "full monty" from me, so as I was leaving (after flirting my bawls off with this guy for an hour) I slipped him my number, to be rewarded with a smile that could light up Field Avenue.
Honestly, it sounds a little foolish, but I've slightly relaxed my annoyance at white men who are attracted to young women who can hardly speak English. There's a lovely innocence and sweetness to most Filipinos (probably the whole Third World thing) that's like a breath of fresh air to the most jaded souls (uh, that's me, for those of you keeping track). It's just easy to be with them- there's a blankness to Asians that can be extremely comforting, or (as I've found out the hard way) totally infuriating. It's hard to describe that feeling that comes from being around some Filipinos, it's like taking Valium, like soaking in a warm tub. The insecurities, the neuroses, theego, the whole bit, it's just not there like it is with Americans.
Now the English isn't super great, but once again let's stress that this isn't a "serious as life or death" situation and having a 24- year- old beautiful creature giving you the puppy eyes, text you several times a day just to say hi, and telling you how beautiful your "tall" nose is feels won-der-ful after the horror show that was the last two months.
And, best of all, he seems to have no aspirations to be the Sam Rothstein to my Ginger, (something that comes from dating a younger man, as many a cougar can attest), which is refreshing.
So, we'll see....