So for my one year anniv party, I valiantly attempted once again to have people over and SUCCESS!!!
Thanks mostly to the bossiness and sweetness that is fabulous Bry, most of my "wave mates" from my training class came, as well as 5 guys from next door, Ant, and Am-boy, who brought a couple guys with him. So it was Bry, Nit-Nit, Freddie, Emon, Thon, Nonnie, Am-boy, Ant, Randy (not the American, a different Randy), Fitz, Enzo, Honorio, Mechel, Arman, Marbs, Ankit (for about 5 minutes) Joel-Mari and sort- of Erwin, who, as he threatened, retreated to the bedroom to watch TV in the deepening afternoon gloom and fall asleep (he had a shift at 2 AM and was trying to get some sleep).
So here's what I served:
Naomi's Electric Lemonade:
Take one bottle of Absolut Apeach and one bottle of Lemon Ice Soda from the organic shop and combine them in a plastic pitcher, then add lime slices, and freeze (the alcohol will keep it liquid).
Tastes like *pure heaven*.
Naomi's Monster Egg Salad:
4 hard boiled eggs, a couple teaspoons of mayo, a handful of chopped onion and two or three green onions all blended and refridgerated for a couple hours. It's very onion-y. Yummers.
It was actually pretty fun, Bry brought a cake with one candle (eek, so cute) and they also brought something extremely scary-- fingers of sticky rice that had been char-cooked and had to be dipped in, like marzipan icing. Just like it sounds, taste wise. Only had one of those.
The only "down" was that the party was so male-heavy. Only two girls showed up (actually this is a long time issue for me, for some reason, I have equal number of male and female friends; but my female friends tend to be married/ dating and my male friends tend to be "permanent bachelors"; ie, they're all availiable to party down on a Sat afternoon.
So we talked, tested each other on Trivial Pursuit, drank, laughed, the guys bought and ate an entire roasted chicken (from somewhere!) and then everyone drifted off slowly, leaving just me and Ant.
Ant has actually visited me at the house I live in now before, when I stayed there in Oct, and we sat for awhile and talked. I listed him as my emergency contact and my coworker had to ask him for his current phone number, and he told me he was suprized and flattered by this. It's a sweetly sad feeling to hang out "apres le guerre" with someone you were once *crazy* about, just talking about "the good times", and once again, I was reminded of how much I liked him and of course still do--the fire that used to be is more of a warm glow, but I still adore him and I'm glad he was the one to stay late and chat with me. Having "broken up" and made up no less than five times, it's pretty obvious that he's a bit of a cad and equally obvious that I can't stay mad at him for any length of time. Little charmer....
A great night.
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