All the different pleasures I've had in the last few weeks:
The pleasure of knowing I'm marketable: Our India office is looking at "stealing" me from the Philippines to India. The interviewer's opening salvo? "I have a TON of work over here for someone of your profile." It's nice to know all the heartache, blood, sweat, Excel instructional manuals, drama, late night phone calls, etc, haven't gone to waste.
The pleasure of hearing a clever joke and then repeating it to someone who gets just as much out of it as you did when you first heard it. This has so many layers to it, the pleasure from this is still going on, days later. My work friend Ivan told me this [naughty] joke (I have changed a few things to make it a bit more accessible, as he transliterated it from Tagalog and his telling was oddly disjointed).
You, the teller: "There once lived a shape shifting princess who could become any animal. She grew up isolated since her parents didn't want her to be stolen by the rival kingdom for their own uses. But she was lonely and longed for a mate and a tribe. So finally the rival kingdom's king died, and the princess was allowed to go looking for her mate. She didn't really know what form she would assume, so as she wandered the land, she changed her body to match whatever she saw--- lion (roar!), pug dog (arf!). Then she saw a beautiful creature: tall, with long legs, large eyes, and the most beautiful spotted coat.
"Oooh, what are YOU! I must change myself to match you! What are you?" She exclaimed.
The creature responded "I'll tell you what: go to bed with me and I'll tell you what I am."
"Okay." She replied.
Afterwards, she said "oh, that was terrific! I especially loved your long....neck."
"Thanks" said the creature. "Now I'll tell you what I am. I'm giraffe."
"Thanks giraffe!" the princess said, and off they went on their separate ways.
A few weeks later, she was wandering again, changing to a frog (ribbit!), a butterfly (flap!), and every thing else in her path when she came across a magnificent creature with large fluttering ears, and massive strong legs, and the most delightful trunk.
"Ooh, what are YOU! I must change myself to match you! What are you?" She exclaimed.
The creature responded "I'll tell you what: go to bed with me and I'll tell you what I am."
"Sure, what the hell?" the princess said.
Afterwards, the princess lay in a daze. "Oh, creature you were amazing. I especially love your strong, thick....trunk."
"Thanks" said the creature. "Now I'll tell you what I am. I'm elephant."
"Thanks elephant!" the princess said, and off they went on their separate ways.
A few weeks later, the princess was out wandering again when she ran across a lulumummum.
Listener: "A what?"
You: [give them an arch look until the penny drops, which it usually does within a few seconds]
Ivan told me this and the pleasure of being flirted with combined with the intense pleasure that comes from "getting it" creates an almost indescribably sweet kind of enjoyment. I was still giggling over this (relatively mild, but very old fashioned, almost British in its coyness) naughty joke.
I then told this joke to AllwynKent (the guy I'm dating), a man who's repertoire of dirty jokes is extensive, who got it right away and rolled onto his side overcome with waves of laughter, with his eye squeezed shut, from the pleasure of being told a dirty joke by his normally very straight-laced girl [well, compared to my Taurus, there], and of "getting it".
The pleasure of attending a party and being the most visibly "in love" two people there. I could marry the guy for this. Rarely does a man who is earthy, physical, and sensual make for a presentable walker, but this rule is generally suspended with Indians, who of any men I've dated make for equal "husbands" and "lovers". While still holding his own and circulating around, Kent also managed to give me just the right amount of affection and make sure every man in the room knew I was his date. People liked him, and he took the odd party (it was held in an elementary school in the middle of nowhere, with the children's chairs as seats!!!) in stride and was Mr. Romance in the taxi on the way home. When I first started seeing him, I was not as strongly "into" him as I am now- I was just 'toes in' the water, but last night I felt the internal fireworks that signal the beginning of deeper infatuation and liking-- the heady, giddy, weightless sensation we mere mortals call "falling in love". And people, he agreed to watch Moonspinners with me! (In case you don't know it's a feather light spy caper Disney movie set in Crete, made in around 1965 that was a summertime classic in my house for years while I was growing up) Bliss.
The pleasure of being the bigger man: I gave a very expensive, classy, and well chosen gift to my biggest office enemy. He melted enough to grunt out a goodbye at the Xmas party- target acquired, locked on!
The pleasure of showing off your favorite secret spot to a newbie
The pleasure of making an acquaintance into a shiny new friend
The pleasure of feeling accepted back into a group that you felt was a bit cool to you lately
The pleasure of stopping after 1.75 beers and a shot
The pleasure of contemplating moving to a new country
The pleasure of seeing the returns on your project and seeing they are terrific numbers
The pleasure of having a "nice to meet you" email answered in just a few hours
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